package intfns
import (
func _string(c tree .Ctx , args ...tree .Result ) (tree .Result , error ) {
if len (args ) == 1 {
return tree .String (args [0 ].String ()), nil
return tree .String (c .NodeSet .String ()), nil
func concat(c tree .Ctx , args ...tree .Result ) (tree .Result , error ) {
ret := ""
for _ , i := range args {
ret += i .String ()
return tree .String (ret ), nil
func startsWith(c tree .Ctx , args ...tree .Result ) (tree .Result , error ) {
return tree .Bool (strings .Index (args [0 ].String (), args [1 ].String ()) == 0 ), nil
func contains(c tree .Ctx , args ...tree .Result ) (tree .Result , error ) {
return tree .Bool (strings .Contains (args [0 ].String (), args [1 ].String ())), nil
func substringBefore(c tree .Ctx , args ...tree .Result ) (tree .Result , error ) {
ind := strings .Index (args [0 ].String (), args [1 ].String ())
if ind == -1 {
return tree .String ("" ), nil
return tree .String (args [0 ].String ()[:ind ]), nil
func substringAfter(c tree .Ctx , args ...tree .Result ) (tree .Result , error ) {
ind := strings .Index (args [0 ].String (), args [1 ].String ())
if ind == -1 {
return tree .String ("" ), nil
return tree .String (args [0 ].String ()[ind +len (args [1 ].String ()):]), nil
func substring(c tree .Ctx , args ...tree .Result ) (tree .Result , error ) {
str := args [0 ].String ()
bNum , bErr := round (c , args [1 ])
if bErr != nil {
return nil , bErr
b := bNum .(tree .Num ).Num ()
if float64 (b -1 ) >= float64 (len (str )) || math .IsNaN (float64 (b )) {
return tree .String ("" ), nil
if len (args ) == 2 {
if b <= 1 {
b = 1
return tree .String (str [int (b )-1 :]), nil
eNum , eErr := round (c , args [2 ])
if eErr != nil {
return nil , eErr
e := eNum .(tree .Num ).Num ()
if e <= 0 || math .IsNaN (float64 (e )) || (math .IsInf (float64 (b ), 0 ) && math .IsInf (float64 (e ), 0 )) {
return tree .String ("" ), nil
if b <= 1 {
e = b + e - 1
b = 1
if float64 (b +e -1 ) >= float64 (len (str )) {
e = tree .Num (len (str )) - b + 1
return tree .String (str [int (b )-1 : int (b +e )-1 ]), nil
func stringLength(c tree .Ctx , args ...tree .Result ) (tree .Result , error ) {
var str string
if len (args ) == 1 {
str = args [0 ].String ()
} else {
str = c .NodeSet .String ()
return tree .Num (len (str )), nil
var spaceTrim = regexp .MustCompile (`\s+` )
func normalizeSpace(c tree .Ctx , args ...tree .Result ) (tree .Result , error ) {
var str string
if len (args ) == 1 {
str = args [0 ].String ()
} else {
str = c .NodeSet .String ()
str = strings .TrimSpace (str )
return tree .String (spaceTrim .ReplaceAllString (str , " " )), nil
func translate(c tree .Ctx , args ...tree .Result ) (tree .Result , error ) {
ret := args [0 ].String ()
src := args [1 ].String ()
repl := args [2 ].String ()
for i := range src {
r := ""
if i < len (repl ) {
r = string (repl [i ])
ret = strings .Replace (ret , string (src [i ]), r , -1 )
return tree .String (ret ), nil
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